New Puppies are here! 4 boys and 4 girls, born December 26,2023. These puppies will be in the mini-medium range and ready for their forever homes on February 20,2024.
Want a priority pick of the next litter? GET YOUR SPOT ON THE WAIT LIST NOW!
Christian was our firstborn. It is still too early to give personality details however from what we are seeing he is going to likely be scooped up early.
Saint is our 2nd born boy. So far, his coat is the soft hypoallergenic no-shed fleece with beautiful high and low lights and gorgeous white markings.. Though he occasionally embraces his adventurous spirit, he often seeks out a companion to be his loyal buddy. Together, you and Saint can embark on exciting escapades and forge an unbreakable bond. Get ready for an amazing friendship filled with joy and love with this one!
Joy is our first girl. She has a light coat and great white markings.
Meet Vixen. Again, it's too early to give specifics on personalities but Vixen is already starting to show her personality and we are very excited!
Meet Coal. He has a lighter coat thus far with great white markings. By all appearances, he is going to steal some hearts.
Our sweet Holly so far also has a deep-colored coat with white markings.
Nick was our last-born boy and possesses the highly sought-after perfect square-shaped head. He too has those great white markings along with a light nose and a beautiful caramel-colored coat. He exudes joy in playful wrestling matches with his siblings plus he is attentive to his human friends, paying attention to facial expressions and basic commands. He is the ideal companion for any loving family looking for a well-rounded mini labradoodle.
Grace is our baby of this litter. This sweet girl has already started to show some of her personality, and we are looking forward to seeing her develop more over the next three weeks.
If you have any questions please contact us, we always enjoy talking about our wonderful dogs!